Peter Coy, Audio Book and Documentary Narrator, Voice Actor

About me

I love, a beautifully read story. I am transported, at a touch of a title in my phone's extensive audio library, to the perils of outer-space in the  company of an ancient but irrascible and peculiar AI, the violence and tension of the Tudor era, or to the amazing life and adventures of a London bobby with strange magical powers.

An amazing narration is what I want to achieve more than anything else.

My narration heroes are RC Bray (Expeditionary Force), Cobner Holbrook Smith (Peter Grant series), and Anton Lessing (Shardlake series).

Strangest experience is losing my sense of up and down, while skiing on the top of the mountain in Whistler BC, on an icy and foggy day when my legs felt like jelly.

Scariest experience: Standing on the shore in Barbados, carrying my short-board windsurfer, fully rigged, watching the wind rip the tops off the huge rolling waves, and finding myself unable to step into the water.

Oh my God Moment occured when I was a 15-year-old Air Cadet and was learning to glide at an old RAF base in Kent. My instructor suddenly jumped out of the back seat and said: "Off you go then". He hooked me up to the tow winch and I was then expected to make three circuits and landings without killing myself. 

I use these moments in my VO work to relive the feeling of fear, panic, desperation or whatever emotion my character is feeling at that moment in the story. Heroes always get into difficulty. Did I mention my first ever date with a girl?

Get in touch


Review my complete resume, sample recordings and videos

​Narration Skillset

I have a natural "mid-atlantic" North American/English voice. Try sampling this Herb Ditchburn Narration (just beside or below this paragraph), I performed and recorded for Sean Scally, local historian and reknowned film maker.

I am happy reading in diverse genres including Shakespeare, the Bible, Poetry, Chaucer, Kalil Gibran,  Dylan Thomas, Emily Dickenson, John Le Carre, Len Deighton... 

In a recent staged radio play I used multiple voices, none of which were my natural voice: An old family retainer, an erudite English veteran actor, a chief of police, a 50's era prime minister of Canada and a cockney actor's agent. I have a good ear for multiple accents, including Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Liverpudlian, South African, Australian and French.

I have a background in technology so I can talk convincingly about systems for business, AI, computers and analytics. I am also mechanical with a good insight into stripping down engines and riding a motorcycle frighteningly fast.

I know firearms and how to strip down a Bren gun and reassemble it in the dark.

I am a licensed glider pilot and was an avid aeromodeller and competitor in national competitions. I play or have played competitive Golf, Tennis, Squash, Rugby and Soccer. I competed in a windsurfing world championship. I have pitch-poled in a Merlin Rocket during a force 7 gale.

I have sung tenor in a top-level Church choir, read music and play several instruments.

​My Latest Work

   Demo Audio Book readings 

 John Le Carre Constant Gardner

 The Prophet / Kalil Gibran

 Azincourt / Bernard Cornwell 


Jailbird Kurt Vonnegut


More recordings and acting details available on my download resume 

You can contact me through one of the following options or use the contact links on Download Resume (near the top of the page)

Peter Coy, Belleville Ontario

Voice actor and audio book narration